Break. Remake.

The Solar Solution


The Solar Solution


Business or residential?

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Low Income Housing or Needy family?

Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id

You get Free Solar

Yes. Free. This is the entire basis of how Obcillo will break what holds us back. Free solar. For everyone that wants it. 

So, you have your panels.

Obcillo now charges standard utility fees for the power your house/business generates.

So, what happens next? Where does that money go? 

The Money goes to two places…





Most importantly, if you are a low income or needy family, a portion of the money we collect from utilties goes to you.

In essense, Obcillo is creating a basic income for people/families in need.

We are doing it by democratizing the power of the sun. Giving it back to the people.

As Obcillo build its footprint, we will increase the amount we give back AND give back to greater and greater numbers of people 

Other Benefits: 

1. Solar panels increase the house or building on which they are placed

2. Solar helps distribute energy generation. This means you have greater independence from the Grid, possibly making your energy supply more resilient. 

3. By simply having solar panels  you are becoming part of the climate solution. And, you did it all….for FREE


Some of the money comes back to us.


1. We want to increase our footprint. To do so, we have to continue providing more and more FREE solar panels in order to help more and more people.

Growing in this way, we can continue to increase the amount of money we give back to YOU, and the number of people to whom we give.  

2. We want to pay our employees. It is important that Obcillo pays its employees well. One of our goals is to increase the wealth of the communities in which we work. We do this by creating and sustaining EXCELLENT jobs.

Remember – our CEO doesn’t take a salary.

Our goal: Turn a common good (the sun) into a common benefit for all of us. We want to Break the current system and Remake it in a democratized way. 



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