2900 Thomas Ave S Minneapolis, MN

Call: (612)-819-2530

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Why Obcillo.


Why? Why now? Why, when so much has been tried and failed? Why do we need a movement, an idea, a company, a collective, seekers and shakers, creators and makers? Why do something different? Why change what has worked for 70 years? Change hurts, it burns, it breaks — WHY DO WE NEED CHANGE?!

YOU feel it. You feel it when you wake up, when you step out of your house, driving to work, in your offices and homes, when you meet with friends or family. You feel it. The tightness and anxiety and stress that simmers in each of us when we wake – sitting deep in our chests, beneath our lungs just in front of our spines, burning, burning. Anger and rage coiled, waiting to bite at the anger or rage of your family, friends, communities, leaders. When you step out your door and the world…seems…tilted. Uncertainty, distrust, and volatility brand us anew with the setting of every sun. As you pass in cars, or trucks, or buses through your neighborhoods and streets you see broken things, things that need fixing, people and communities that NEED fixing. You feel it. We all feel it. Hate, bitterness, resentment, guilt.

Helplessness. Helplessness. 

Blame. The world is seething with blame. More blame than can go around. More blame than can be emptied on the world without spilling over onto sleeves, onto fingers, coating your own hands. 

Yes. We need change.

The real question – why haven’t we done it yet? Why do we continue — CONTINUE — to wait and wait.

And Wait. 

And wait. Why do we wait on a government that is paralyzed? Why do we wait on politicians, leaders, heads of companies and countries to do what we know must be done? Why? Why do we see problems and think – “Why hasn’t somebody done something about this?!!!”

Why don’t WE do it? Why don’t we change the world? After all, this is OUR world. Its mine and its yours. Change the world. Change the story. We need Change. 


Our Mission

The world Obcillo is creating.


To Imagine a business model that solves real socioeconomic, health, and environmental problems. To make the world around us better.


To Create real, lasting wealth for the communities in which we work. 

To Create real, lasting wealth for our employees. To Develop reliable, dynamic, and fulfilling jobs. 


To Revolutionize the future of how and why we work. To Demonstrate the power of purpose based business.


To Spark a movement of true leaders. 


What does Obcillo do, and why do we do it?

What Does Obcillo Do?

Obcillo provides free solar panels and installation to needy families, low income housing, businesses, and individuals.

For those that can afford it, we charge standard utility fees. For needy individuals and families, Obcillo returns a portion of the earnings from their solar as a monthly income check.  Effectively, a basic income. 

What is A benefit corporation?

benefit corporation is a corporation with modified obligations committing it to higher standards of purpose, accountability and transparency

How Does OBcillo Act as a Benefit Corporation?

Three Fold:

1. Obcillo provides a basic income for families and individuals in need by harnessing the power of the sun

2. Obcillo accelerates the transition to solar energy. We are committed to preserving the world for future generations.  We are committed to doing it in a way that empowers each of us

3. Obcillo changes the way business is run. We provide well paid jobs with a purpose. In a world where CEO’s get paid extraordinary amounts, ours doesn”t take a salary at all. Thats how committed we are to our purpose.


How much does the CEO get paid?

The CEO of Obcillo doesn’t take a salary.

We believe that leadership and change require a willingness to give of yourself for the good of others. We believe this ideal starts at the top.

What is the Solar solution?

Obcillo’s Solar Solution is how we are accomplishing our goals of redistributing income while preserving our planet for future generations. 

Our Solar Solution accelerates the adoption of green energy solutions by giving away free solar panels to our clients. We then use the money made from utility fees to provide a basic income to low income families and individuals. 

Our Solar Solution turns the energy of the sun into a resource of the people. 


How does SOlar Benefit Me?

By installing solar panels on your home or business, you instantly raise the value of your property — and with Obcillo, you are doing it for FREE.

As soon as you install your solar panels, you start making a difference. Not only are you joining a movement to create a cleaner world, but you are improving the community  in which you live. The money you make from solar goes towards supplementing the incomes of those in need.  You do all of this simply by living your best life. 

Eventually, Obcillo’s goal is to start giving money back to you! Once we create a better world around you, Obcillo wants to start making you money as well. 



WHat Makes us Different

We invest in solutions that bring everyone up

Our solar solution demands nothing from anyone. It comes as a gift from caring people. It is then given as a gift back to the world. We support people who need it and businesses that need it. We create jobs. We make money that is given back to communities and employees and turned into greater and greater resources. White, black, brown, lower class, middle class, upper class, farmer, laborer, blue collar, white collar. We bring Everyone Up. We are helping the earth become healthier and its citizens become richer. We bring Everyone Up.

We believe leadership is a privilege. The privilege of leading people, the world, demands a will to sacrifice

We expect leaders in our company to be leaders in the community. We expect them to lead by example and to make the sacrifices leadership demands. This starts at the top. In a world where CEOs make massive sums of money, often deservedly so, our company is choosing a different path. Our CEO will not take a salary. Our CEO will lead by example – knowing that only by example will this world grow.


We are a Benefit Corporation

What does this mean? It means we are unleashed from having to maximize profit at the expense of doing what is right. 

But – we are a company, NOT a charity. Part of how we do good is by creating jobs and paying hard working people a salary commensurate with leadership and long hours. We have an American spirit, and that spirit values hard work, ingenuity, and dedication. We WANT the best of the best on our team – our business model allows us to VALUE our employees and our mission equally.



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